We strongly encourage all attendees who are eligible to receive the COVID-19 Booster in addition to being fully vaccinated.
Mask Requirement
Curry Senior Center will follow the requirements of San Francisco in regard to masks. However, all attendees at the Gala are strongly encouraged to wear procedural (a.k.a. surgical) masks with at least three layers of fabric, KN95, KF94s, or N95 masks during events. Masks are encouraged to be worn at all times, except while actively eating/drinking. Masks should cover both the mouth and nose. We ask that participants honor the requests of others to mask up and/or maintain physical distancing. See the CDC webpage for the most updated information about face coverings and masks, including COVID-19 Community Levels to make decisions about what prevention/mitigation measures to implement based on the latest data. Guests that are not feeling well in advance of the event are politely requested not to attend the event.