Season of Giving 2024
Volunteer At Curry Senior Center During the Season of Giving
The holidays can be challenging for seniors who are separated from friends and family. With your support we can help combat senior isolation and give back to the community. Here are some opportunities for you to contribute.

Volunteer Event Details
Thanksgiving Party with Community Programs
Thursday, November 21st (Shift 1 – 10:30 to 11:30 and Shift 2 – 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM) at 315 Turk Street
Help seniors celebrate Thanksgiving by serving food and drinks and assisting with setup and cleanup.
Thanksgiving Party at the Drop-In Center
Friday, November 22nd (1:00 PM to 3:00 PM) at 333 Turk Street
Help spread Thanksgiving cheer by serving food and drinks and assisting with setup and cleanup.
Holiday Party with Community Programs
Thursday, December 5th, 1:30 to 3:00 PM at 333 Turk Street
Happy Holidays! Serve food and drinks, socialize and mingle with older adults, and assist with clean up as we celebrate the season with Curry older adults.
Holiday Party at the Drop-In Center
Wednesday, December 11th, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM at 333 Turk Street
Celebrate the season of giving by helping to serve food and drinks, play bingo, and assist with clean up.
Hannukuah Party
Friday, December 20th, 1:30 to 3:00 PM at 333 Turk Street
Happy Festival of Lights! Help us serve food and drinks, play bingo and dreidel, and assist with clean up.
LGBTQ Program's Holiday Party
Friday, December 20th, (Shift 1 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and Shift 2 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM) at 555 Larkin Street
Help older adults in the Tenderloin celebrate the holiday season! Curry Senior Center is looking for 4 – 6 volunteers to help during one of two shifts.
Shift 1 – 10 AM to 1 PM : Set-up and assist with food and drinks distribution. You’ll get a chance to join the clients as the party starts.
Shift 2 – 1:00 PM to 4:00PM : Assist with handing out the food and drinks, join in on the party and help with cleanup.
Kwanzaa Party
Friday, December 26th, 1:00 to 2:30 PM at 333 Turk Street
Help us celebrate Kwanzaa at Curry! You’ll assist with serving food and drinks, play bingo, and assist with clean up.
Volunteer Signup/Inquiry Form
Additional Ways to Get Involved and Support Our Seniors
Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
• Dining Room Meal Service (Mon, Tues, Thur, Sat)
• Senior Bingo! (Mondays & Saturdays)
• Fresh Groceries Stand (Thursdays)
Non-Volunteer Opportunities (Donate)
• Adopt – A – Senior: November 27th to December 19th
• Giving Tuesday Donation Drive: November 1 to December 3

Be A Santa To A Senior (BASTAS)
November 17 - December 22nd
Curry has partnered with CVS and HomeInstead to grant holiday wishes at CVS stores.
You’ll find the trees with wishes in front of stores or near the registers at participating CVS stores in San Francisco and down the Peninsula. Choose ornaments, purchase the items, and leave them with the cashier for pickup!
Volunteers are also needed to help set up trees with ornaments and pick up and deliver gift donations to Curry Senior Center. If you are interested in volunteering for BASTAS, email or call Nicole Murphy at nmurphy@curryseniorcenter.org or 415-823-6048.
Adopt - A - Senior
November 27th to December 19th
Spread holiday joy to a senior! Curry clients place wishes for gifts under $50 that community members can fulfill by choosing a gift from the registry and having it sent or delivered to Curry Senior Center. Many seniors end up using their gifts throughout the year.
To access the registry, please email or call Nicole Murphy at nmurphy@curryseniorcenter.org or 415-823-6048.

Giving Tuesday
November 1 - December 3rd
Giving Tuesday is on December 3rd! This global day is dedicated to giving back. Your contributions will help aging adults and Curry to be set up for success leading into the new year.
Your donation will support a myriad of vital Curry programs like technology support, escorted transportation to medical appointments, and home visits from Curry case managers and healthcare staff.
Your donations in November through December 3rd will count towards our Giving Tuesday goal of $15,000. You can start by using this link to give today!
Become a Champion for Curry by starting a fundraising page and sharing your donation with your social network!
Get your Giving Tuesday donation matched!
Click here to see if your company will match your donation.
Other Opportunites
We still have opportunities to serve meals in our Dining Room on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10:15 AM to 12 PM. You can check availability and sign up through this link.
We are looking for 3 to 4 volunteers to join Curry’s Grocery program in providing fresh groceries for older adults in the Tenderloin. You’ll help arrange tables, display groceries like a farmers market, distribute groceries to older adults, and assist with cleanup. This opportunity is every Thursday from 9:30 AM to 1 PM. Please contact Lalaine Favis at lfavis@curryseniorcenter.org to sign up.
We are also in need of bingo volunteers on Saturdays and Mondays, from 10 AM to 11 AM. Duties include calling the games and assisting seniors as they play. We can have up to three volunteers for this opportunity! Contact Lalaine at lfavis@curryseniorcenter.org to sign up.
If you are interested in other dates or opportunities for individual or group volunteers, please reach out to Lalaine Favis at lfavis@curryseniorcenter.org or 415-292-1049 to see what we can arrange.