Volunteer with Seniors at Curry
Volunteer where you’ll feel the impact! Your volunteer experience at Curry is unique and needed.
Have you considered volunteering at a senior center? Volunteers are essential to our work at Curry Senior Center. Volunteers serve meals, help with activities, plan events, help with programs, and, most importantly, volunteers bring smiles to our seniors’ faces. Learn more about Curry’s volunteer opportunities with seniors today!
Senior Center Volunteer Opportunities:
Groups of six are welcome, with four volunteers serving meals and two playing bingo. Volunteering in the Dining Room is on Saturdays and Mondays from 10:15 AM to 12:00 PM. Standing Bingo games are from 10 AM to 11 AM on Saturdays and Mondays, but we are flexible to accommodate afternoon weekday bingo games.
Serve Meals To Seniors:
Volunteer to serve lunch to seniors from 10:15 am-12:00 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Four volunteers are needed to help our dining partner, Project Open Hand! Volunteers help seat seniors in the dining room, give out to-go meals, serve drinks, and help clean up.
Easily sign up for shifts with the schedule below:
Play Bingo or Lotería With Seniors:
Volunteer to host bingo! Scheduled bingo dates and times are Saturdays and Mondays, from 10 AM to 11 AM. Duties include calling the games and assisting seniors as they play. We can have up to three volunteers for this opportunity!
We also just added lotería (a traditional Mexican board game of chance, similar to bingo) to our programming! The dates vary, but it is always 11 AM to 12 Noon. You can help volunteer for lotería by contacting Lalaine at lfavis@curryseniorcenter.org.
Assist At Our Grocery Program:
We are looking for 3 to 4 volunteers to join Curry’s Wellness Team in providing fresh groceries for older adults in the Tenderloin.
You’ll help arrange tables, display groceries like a farmers market, distribute groceries to older adults, and assist with cleanup.
This opportunity is every Thursday from 9:30 AM to 1 PM. Please contact Lalaine Favis at lfavis@curryseniorcenter.org with any questions.
Host A Party:
Plan and host a party to spread happiness among senior citizens. Work together with your team to organize themed events for Curry Seniors that include enjoyable activities like karaoke, bingo, trivia, and refreshments. The event’s theme should revolve around an upcoming or recent cultural celebration.
Dining Room and Bingo Volunteers
Join our kitchen staff and serve lunch from 10 AM to 12:30 PM, Mondays and Saturdays. Sign up through this calendar.
Help call bingo! Set games are from 10 AM to 11 AM on Mondays and Saturdays, but we can create games throughout the week. We ask that you bring along a few prizes for the Bingo winners, such as Walgreens or CVS gift cards, word puzzle books, healthy packaged or canned food. Please plan to arrive at 315 Turk Street 15 minutes early to sign in. Please sign up or request more information with the volunteer sign-up form.
Join Our Advisory Council
Curry Senior Center’s Advisory Council, Professionals & Advocates Leadership Society (PALS), fosters a community of young professionals through service, networking, philanthropy, and fellowship, while expanding awareness of the 15,000 underserved and homeless seniors in the heart of San Francisco. The group helps plan events, rallys teams of volunteers and supporters, and interfaces with the San Francisco Bay Area community leaders and Curry Board of Directors to devise new ways to respond to the crisis and indignity suffered by so many of our elderly neighbors.
The Curry PALS create a vital professional network while they help plan Curry Senior Center events, hold fundraisers, rallys teams of volunteers and supporters, and interface with the San Francisco Bay Area community and Curry Board leadership to devise new ways to respond to the crisis and indignity suffered by so many of the elderly.
Get involved! Make lifelong friendships with a group of high-caliber individuals who are concerned about the plight of the homeless and seniors in the city. Through this important work we enhance our leadership and develop a network with like-minded individuals who elevate the quality of life for each other as well as for San Francisco as a whole. Time commitments can accommodate any schedule!
Volunteer with us!
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Curry Senior Center, your time helps promote wellness, dignity & independence for seniors. We will respond to your volunteer interest as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Curry Senior Center is located at 333 Turk Street. Most of our volunteer groups meet at 315 Turk. Our Center is conveniently located near Civic Center BART and Muni.
Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age.
At this time, we do ask that all volunteers are vaccinated and wear masks when working with older adults.
We can host groups of up to seven people for our lunch service and bingo shift.
We can host special bingo events for volunteer groups of 6 people. It is a great option for work and corporate groups!
Please no open-toed shoes or sandals. Dining room volunteers should also wear shirts with sleeves.
Curry staff at our 315 Turk Street office will check you in upon arrival. We will let you know with whom and where.